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Glyphosate Aria

Glyphosate Aria 41% SL

Glyphosate Aria

Glyphosate Aria 41% SL

Systemic& Non-selective Herbicide


Glyphosate is a glycine derivative, non-selective systemic herbicide. It is useful on essentially all annual and perennial plants including grasses, sedges, broad-leaved weeds and woody plants. It can be used on non cropland and among a great variety of crops. It serves as a plant growth regulator. The most common uses include control of broadleaf weeds and grasses in: hay/pasture, soybeans, field corn; ornamentals, lawns, turf, forest plantings, greenhouses, rights-of-way.

Product Name Weed Dosage Time
Fruit trees Annual and perennial weeds 4 to 12 lit per hectare At flowering stage of weeds
Sugar cane Annual and perennial weeds 1 to 2% After weed growth


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