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Fipronil Aria

Fipronil Aria 0.2% G

Fipronil Aria 0.2% G

Relatively Systemic Insecticide With Contact & Stomach Action



Fipronil is a highly effective, broad spectrum insecticide with potential value for the control of a wide range of crop like Striped stem borer on rice, public hygiene, amenity and veterinary pests. It belongs to the phenylpyrazole or fiprole group of chemicals and is a potent disrupter of the insect central nervous system via interference with the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA-) regulated chloride channel. Fipronil degrades slowly on vegetation and relatively slowly in soil and in water, with a half-life ranging between 36 hr and 7.3 mon depending on substrate and conditions. It is relatively immobile in soil and has low potential to leach into groundwater.


Dosage Pest Product Name
20 kg per hectare Striped stem borer Rice





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